Wednesday, February 11, 2009

RadiaL Dance Loops

For our second assignment, Professor Juraj had us working with yet another neat program, RadiaL. Even with a simple 2 second click audio file, you can come up with some pretty interesting results. The following are the 3 dance loops for my assignment.

For the first dance loop, I kept it simple and only put the click file on 1 turntable. I DJed by manipulating the pitch and the tempo.

Dance Loop 1

For the second loop, I put the click file on 3 turntables. For the second and third turntables I selected portions of the sample file, while I kept the entire file running on the first turntable. Again, I used pitch and tempo shift, and I added an effect to the beginning of the loop.

Dance Loop 2

For my last loop, I put the click file into 4 turntables, and selected small samples of the click for each table. Before recording, I positioned pitch and tempo to different locations and then played around with them again from there, trying to make it sound decent. I also added a small section of switching the turntables on and off briefly at the end.

Dance Loop 3

1 comment:

  1. nice samples, have you thought of getting your samples on a label, my friend has been approached by loads of times looking for talented sample producers, maybe you should try contacting them.
